Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Radicalized for Christ
WOW do an internet search for becoming radicalized for
Christ and see what you get.
Holy Hate: The Far Right's Radicalization of Religion
The Josiah Effect: How Moderate Religion Fuels Fundamentalism
From Quillette:
“It soon occurred to me that my church, precisely because it was moderate, was
failing to adhere faithfully to Christ’s teachings. What was needed, I thought,
was a return to the fundamentals. And that was my first step down a potentially
dangerous road. It was entirely logical — after all, if you really have a
divine book on your hands, you’d be stupid not to devote yourself to it.”
The Atlantic
How Politics Poisoned the Evangelical Church
The Christian Century
A curriculum for radicalization | The Christian Century
Friday, December 27, 2024
Nothing happens by chance.
God has laid out a plan for our lives, our biggest problem is free will—we often get in the way and resist God. We were born in the time and place where God wanted us to be. God does have a plan for you, though you may never fully know what it is. That’s why we must truly die to self and allow God to move us to where He wants us to be, and to be a reflection of Christ here on earth.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Now that Christmas is over.
Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus.
A called to true repentance.

Luke 9:23 (ESV)
And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
Now that Christmas is over with, I hope that you will live and
follow Jesus every day!
To read the rest of the story click here.
You can watch this on YouTube click here
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Christmas at Denny's
Christmas at Dhenny's
The night air was crisp in Oklahoma City as Jim, Lance, and
Brandon made their way to the local Denny’s on Christmas Eve. The three men,
longtime friends and members of a nearby church, had decided earlier that week
to spend their evening at the 24-hour diner. While others celebrated with
family and friends, they felt called to bring the message of Christ to those
who might need it most. Armed with warm hearts and the love of God, they
entered the softly lit diner, the scent of pancakes and coffee greeting them at
the door.
To read the rest of the story click here
Saturday, December 21, 2024
What is an idol
What is an idol
I've read and seen a lot of videos saying that Christmas
trees are not idols or Pagan.
So, let's look and see what a Christmas tree is and does. Let me say I'm not going
to try and say that the Christmas tree or Christmas has its roots in paganism.
I've seen the evidence going both ways and that's not the point I am trying to
make here.
Click here for the full story Why do we put up a Christmas tree?
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Becoming Radicalized for Christ
WOW do an internet search for becoming radicalized for
Christ and see what you get.
The first page was all negative and how this leads to terrorism. In one article they scolded moderate Christians for tolerating the radicals. I'm probably now on another watch list just for Googling it. How have we gotten to this point in our society. I believe it's because we have very few true radicals for Jesus anymore. We have become lazy and indoctrinated into this worldly society and have not truly died to self.
For the rest of the story click here Becoming Radicalized for Christ